Get to Know Angela & Start With A Free Chat!

Individual connection is important, schedule a 10 minute call with me to discuss your specific situation and goals; we will discuss how I can help you navigate your feeding and parenting journey and come up with a plan for what that might look like.

Please note this is not a free mini consultation, but an informal get to know you and your situation and suggest how my services might help.


Parenthood can be overwhelming, finding individualized support shouldn’t be. If you find yourself struggling and looking for support at any time, it would be an honor to support you.

If you’re unsure about scheduling an appointment, let’s spend a few minutes getting to know each other.

As an IBCLC Lactation Consultant I’m here to assist you with any feeding issues from nipple pain, latch assessments, weighted feeds, milk supply management, pump fittings and operations or any other concern you might have. As a Certified New Parent Educator, I’m here to discuss and assist with the transition into parenthood; from newborn behavior and infant sleep patterns to adjusting to life postpartum within your relationships and family dynamic and everything between.

Helping families succeed (whatever that looks like for them) is what makes my soul sing. I look forward to meeting with you.

Ready to schedule? Schedule online!